Lund&Bendsen hoster Meetup sammen med Cph .Net User Group

I samarbejde med Copenhagen .Net User Group inviterer Lund&Bendsen til et Meetup-event torsdag den 8. februar. Emnet er ASP.NET Core authentication, og oplægsholderen er Tore Nestenius, konsulent og instruktør hos Lund&Bendsen, måske har du mødt ham på et af hans kurser eller på Faglig Fredag, hvor han også har delt ud af sin viden. Tore er ekspert i .NET og på dette Meetup giver Tore en detaljeret gennemgang af, præcis hvordan .NET authentication fungerer.

Netværk er en del af det, vi lever og ånder for i Lund&Bendsen, og derfor var det også med glæde, at vi kunne konstatere, at 50 pladser var væk på de første 14 timer, vi åbnede derfor op for flere deltagere, og der er imponerende 90 deltagere tilmeldt på nuværende tidspunkt.

Det foregår kl. 17.00-20.00 på Vartov i det centrale København. Du kan melde dig til og læse mere om eventet her og Meetup-gruppen Copenhagen .Net User Group her.

Authentication in ASP.NET Core (English)

Authentication in .NET is a complex but essential part of modern software development. During this evening, Tore Nestenius will take you on a journey through authentication in ASP.NET Core and thoroughly explain how the different components interact to provide secure and efficient user management.

The goal is to give you an in-depth tour of the authentication sub-system in ASP.NET Core.

We will touch upon topics such as:

  • What actually happens when we log in and out?
  • What is contained in the session cookie?
  • What happens when we challenge, authenticate, and forbid the user?
  • What is meant by “schemes,” and what controls these?
  • What are ClaimsPrincipal and claims?
  • What does the Data Protection API do, and why must we configure this when going into production?
  • The most common authentication handlers, such as Cookie, OpenID Connect, JwtBearer
  • The new BearerToken Handler in .NET 8
  • and much more!

The focus of this presentation is on client authentication in ASP.NET Core. Protocols and concepts such as JWT tokens, OAuth, and OpenID-Connect will not be the focus.

Tore Nestenius
Tore Nestenius is a consultant at Lund&Bendsen where he is also an instructor regularly teaches. Tore is focuses on training developers in companies within .NET, OpenID-Connect, architecture, and security. You can read more about him here.

In Denmark, he is an instructor at Lund&Bendsen where he regularly teaches. Tore regularly blogs about .NET authentication on his blog and is an active member on Stack Overflow where he answers questions in authentication and security. Follow Tore on Twitter and LinkedIn for the latest updates and insights.