Jeppe Cramon: Designing Loosely Coupled Distributed Services


Oplægget er optaget hos Danske Bank den 07/12-2021.

Distributed systems imply plenty of challenges and if not addressed timely and carefully they can turn into true horror stories. This TechTalk is about designing solutions and services to mitigate and take advantage of the distributed setup.

We will start with a short overview of the core problems of distributed systems when it comes to coordinating updates against multiple transactional service without using distributed transaction, also known as the dual write problem.
From here we will take a closer look at using Events to design loosely coupled services that works together within an Event Driven Architecture (EDA). Next we will look at how we can discover events, services, aggregates and how this relates to the design of service and micro services. Finally we will complete the presentation by looking a different service deployment models.

This session naturally follows the TechTalk, “Messaging, distributed systems principles and horror stories”. If you missed the session or want a recap on the principles and challenges check out the recording


Jeppe Carmon profil

Jeppe Cramon


Jeppe har mere end 25 års erfaring som softwareudvikler og har arbejdet intensivt med distribuerede arkitekturer de sidste 16 år. Hans kompetencer dækker bla. Domain Driven Design, Event Modeling, Event Driven Architecture, Event Sourcing, Microservices og Autonomous Components.