Milos Jaranovic: Enabling Agility at Architecture Level (English)

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Oplægget er optaget på Faglig Fredag hos Lund&Bendsen A/S, den 21/08-2020

One of the most common characteristics of prosperous businesses today is that they are agile where being agile also involves understanding how underlying architecture enables or inhibits business agility. At the same time, we can trace the origins of agile software development methodologies back to the late 50s, the Agile Manifesto in 2001 and the Guide to Agile Practices in 2011. Despite the recognition and the excitement for agile practices, the importance and the role of the underlying digital architecture is often overlooked.

During this presentation I will talk about why applying the Event-driven architecture patterns and practices can deliver this last piece of the business agility puzzle, and how the added complexity can be offset through other somewhat hidden benefits an organization can reap by embracing the Event-driven architecture paradigm.

Milos Jaranovic

Milos Jaranovic


Milos Jaranovic er en kodende arkitekt, der brænder for softwarearkitektur og designmønstre, tekniske metoder og kodning. I 24 år af sin karriere har han arbejdet med forskellige projekter inden for flyindustrien, telekommunikation og sundhedsindustrien samt inden for forsikrings-, pensions- og offentlig sektor. I løbet af de sidste 8 år af sin karriere har han stået i spidsen for introduktionen og anvendelsen af event-driven arkitektur i forskellige virksomheder og organisationer. Han finder det ydmygt fascinerende, at vi er her i dag og tror, at vi nu gør det rigtigt på trods af vores viden om i går. Se også <a href="">Milos oplæg på faglig fredag: Enabling Agility at Architecture Level (in English)</a>