Vil du med, når nogle af landets dygtigste IT-arkitekter deler beretninger fra skyttegraven?
Vi nærmer os med hastige skridt årets SAOS torsdag den 4. november, som byder på Lucas Lundgrens spændende keynote “The Way of the Keyboard”. Senere på dagen kan du høre årets TechTalk “Stability and agility, why not both?! A new look at SLOs” af Jesper Terkelsen fra Tradeshift.

Lokation: Fysisk – IDA Conference – Kalvebod Brygge 31-33, 1780 København V.
Pris: 2.395,- ex. moms.

Open Space formen.
Open Space – er en konferenceform, som sætter rammen for intens vidensdeling og idéudvikling, hvor ordet er frit, og deltagerne definerer emnerne med post-its. Hvilke emner, der diskuteres, bestemmes af deltagerne selv, og der mangler aldrig spændende emner. For alle samtaler på SAOS gælder The Chatham House Rule, hvilket betyder at du frit må bruge den viden, som du får med dig hjem. Men du må aldrig dele nogen form for informationer om de andre deltager, herunder deres tilknytning til hinanden, virksomheder eller projekter, som du får kendskab til under konferencen.


Kl. 08:30-09:00

Morgenmad og networking

Kl. 09:00-09:30


Kl. 09:30-10:30

The way of the Keyboard (English)

This talk is going to be a buffet of IT Security issues from Lucas 24 years
as a hacker, pentester and security aficionado. This will include old problems, that are still very much relevant today, it will include the time when he was hunted by government agencies. It will contain
vulnerabilities that are too sensitive to disclose to the world. Due to some of the sensitive nature, this part of the talk will not be recorded. Lucas will show you how to weaponize attacks with 5-10 lines of code that can break Internet. He will introduce concepts that will be a paradigm shift in the way you think about hacking, security and secure- coding, and how to earn an extra buck doing some bughunting.

Lucas LundgrenPrincipal Security Consultant – Banshie

Lucas Lundgren started breaking things at the age of twelve, and has reported numerous vulnerabilities since then, working with global security leaders including IOActive USA and NCCGroup to name a few. Flown around the world working for clients such as Microsoft, Apple, Visa, SAP and Amazon. Breaking into physical locations and finding 0day vulnerabilities. Lucas is Primarily focused on penetration testing, fuzzing, and exploit development no matter the platform.

Kl. 10:30-11:00

Brainstorm på emner

Kl. 11:00-12:00

Open Space – session 1

Kl. 12:00-13:00

Frokost og networking

Kl. 13:00-13:45

Open Space – session 2

Kl. 13:45-14:00

Pause og networking

Kl. 14:00-14:45

TechTalk: Stability and agility, why not both?! A new look at SLOs

Designing organisations with a high degree of team independence, very short iteration cycles and an inherent ability to make fast decisions is the holy grail of modern agile teams. Driving that autonomy and ownership while at the same time achieving consistently high service level objectives that your enterprise customers demand can be a daunting challenge.

This talk covers usage of technologies such as LinkerD, Kubernetes and Prometheus to set service error budgets for highly independent teams through the use of service level objectives and stop-the-line policies for microservices.

We will cover the implementation details of this system including challenges with the technology and ensuring a scalable foundation for a monitoring system that can query success rates on billions of http requests over hundreds of microservices for extended periods of time. We will also discuss how this was introduced organisationally, custom software components we had to write to make this possible and what value this transformation provided to our customers.

Jesper Terkelsen – VP of Engineering – Tradeshift

Jesper’s background is in software engineering, with interests spanning: typesafe languages, distributed systems, cloud infrastructure, dev-ops automation, software architecture, project management, leadership, organisational theory and human processes. Working as a consultant for 10+ years in telecom and finance. Jesper has spent the last 8 years in Tradeshift helping the company grow by leading engineering teams, building software systems and software development processes.

Kl. 14:45-15:15

Pause og networking

Kl. 15:15-16:00

Open Space – session 3

Kl. 16:00-16:45

Open Space – session 4

Kl. 16:45-17:00

Pause og networking

Kl. 17:00-18:00

Afrunding og evaluering

Kl. 18:00


Kl. 21:30

Tak for i dag!

Læs mere om vores samarbejdspartnere til konferencen. er i år platinsponsor på SAOS, hvilket betyder, at de bidrager til at skabe rammerne for de gode snakke. Derudover kan deres arkitekter frit tilmelde sig årets konference. Vi fortsætter ligeledes vores mangeårige gode samarbejde med Nets, der har købt “unlimited attendees” og kan sende deres arkitekter afsted til en dag med højt humør, gode diskussioner og intens vidensdeling mellem IT-eksperter.