Oracle Cloud – Process Cloud Service – Foundation

  Varighed 2 dage
  Kursusnummer LBE1852
  Sprog English
  Lokation Lund&Bendsen
  Dato Se næste  
  Pris 11.800 kr.

Course Abstract

Your organization has both standard and unique processes. Standard processes like invoicing or hiring can be handled by standard software, but until now it has been hard to get IT support for your unique processes. Oracle has regconized that traditional BPM tools are too cumbersome for modern agile organizations and have developed the new Oracle Process Cloud Service to quickly and flexibly support rapidly changing processes.

With a purely web-based collaborative development environment, developers can rapidly model process flow together with the business, and design the necessary forms and data elements to support the process. With easy web service integration and business rules formulation, you can roll out support for new processes with the speed the business needs.

End users can access their tasks from mobile or desktop devices and perform them individually or in batch. They can also add comments, reassign tasks and completely manage the process flow. All running processes are visualized in a dashboard, allowing process owners to monitor them and proactively ensure that everything runs smoothly.

Topics Covered

Course topics include:

  • Signing up for Oracle Cloud services
  • Process Cloud Service (PCS) overview
  • Running QuickStart apps
  • Creating PCS applications
  • Developing PCS processes
  • Creating human tasks and basic forms
  • Creating decisions and business rules
  • Integrating with applications and services
  • Monitoring and adjusting processes


You need a mobile phone number and credit card that hasn’t been used for an Oracle Cloud trial before. The card will not be charged.

Target Audience

Developers who need to implement simple business process flows.

Learning Objectives

This two-day introduction to Oracle Process Cloud Service allows a developer to model process flows. This includes defining data entry forms, invoking web services and implementing business logic. The participant also learns about the end user view of process and task, and the dashboard used to monitor process flow.

  Varighed 2 dage
  Kursusnummer LBE1852
  Sprog English
  Lokation Lund&Bendsen
  Dato Se næste  
  Pris 11.800 kr.

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Sten Vesterli Profilbillede

Sten Vesterli

Seniorkonsulent | Instruktør

Sten Vesterli hjælper organisationer med at høste forretningsfordelene ved IT hurtigere. Han angriber de typiske problemer i hele IT værdikæden fra business case over teknologi, udvikling og rollout til drift. Han har skrevet seks bøger om IT og har holdt hundredevis af indlæg på teknologikonferencer i hele verden i de sidste 20 år. Sten har blandt andet hjulpet Novo Nordisk, Maersk Lines, Nordea, Danske Spil, SimCorp, Oracle, Novartis og Swisscom. Find Sten på LinkedIn, hvor han poster tankevækkende indlæg flere gange om ugen.

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