Agile – Agile for Team Members – Foundation

  Varighed 1 dag
  Kursusnummer LBE2660
  Sprog Dansk/Engelsk
  Lokation Lund&Bendsen
  Dato Se næste  
  Pris 6.800 kr.

Course Abstract

Agile for Team Members is a foundation course for people who need to participate in Agile and Scrum development.

The course is designed for Team Members that want to enhance their Agile fluency.

During the course we discuss theory and work with exercises. We also hear some examples of best practices used in everyday Agile and Scrum work, such as Working Agreements, the Definition of Ready and the Definition of Done.

Topics Covered

During the course we will cover the following topics:

  • Why is Agile so popular?
  • Empirical product development
  • Scrum
  • Lean
  • Kanban
  • Kanban compared to Scrum
  • Summary

Target Audience

The course is designed for Agile Developers, Scrum Masters, and Product Owners.


You must have a basic understanding of Agile Development disciplines.

Learning Objectives

Watch and participate in an Agile Development process, understanding all the moving parts and why the Agile way of work brings value to the project.

After this course, you may want to learn more about Agile seen from the Product Owners point of view with:  Agile – Agile for Product Owners – Foundation,  and you may take a short study of: Agile for the Business with AGILE – Agile for Line Managers and Business – Foundation.

  Varighed 1 dag
  Kursusnummer LBE2660
  Sprog Dansk/Engelsk
  Lokation Lund&Bendsen
  Dato Se næste  
  Pris 6.800 kr.

Vi tilbyder også dette kursus som lukket firmahold.
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Martin Boel

Martin Boel

Chefkonsulent | Partner

Chef-konsulent med ekspertviden om praktisk Complience arbejde, NIS2, Cloud, Microservices, Container Technologies, Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift, Scrum og JavaEE. Specialiseret indenfor agil coaching og softwarearkitektur. Over 25 års erfaring med roller som arkitekt, lead, udvikler og projektleder. Med branchekendskab til skat, finans og forsikring. Får teams og projekter til at nå i mål.

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