Angular – Foundation (English)

  Varighed 2 dage
  Kursusnummer LBE1731
  Sprog English
  Lokation Lund&Bendsen
  Dato Se næste  
  Pris 11.800 kr.

Course Abstract

Angular is a JavaScript framework designed to create advanced single page applications using HTML, CSS and TypeScript, JavaScript or Dart.

The challenge with enterprise JavaScript applications is that they have a tendency to become a bit of a mess. Angular helps the developer to structure the code, separate the concerns and remove trivial code.

Angular is the follow up to the popular AngularJS and its evcolved from experience with AngularJS. In Angular they address the issues from AngularJS, but the main ideas are the same.

The course will go through all the fundamentals of Angular and all the common building blocks. The course will make use of TypeScript. Not JavaScript and not Dart.

Topics Covered


  • Angular – The fundamentals and architecture
  • A primer to TypeScript
  • A primer to tooling
  • Components
  • Data binding
  • Input & output
  • Modules
  • Services and DI
  • Ajax & RxJS
  • Routes & navigation
  • Forms
  • Unit Testing


It can increase comprehension if participants have knowledge of the topics covered in the course TS – TypeScript – Foundation.

The course TS – TypeScript – Foundation is highly recommended.

Target Audience

Developers with little or no knowledge of Angular that are required to write and/or maintain a single page application using Angular.

Learning Objectives

After the course the developer will be able to create and develop an Angular application using Angular-cli & TypeScipt.

  Varighed 2 dage
  Kursusnummer LBE1731
  Sprog English
  Lokation Lund&Bendsen
  Dato Se næste  
  Pris 11.800 kr.

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Flemming Bregnvig profil

Flemming Bregnvig


Flemming er en engageret og initiativrig arkitektprofil med ekspertviden inden for Angular og TypeScript. Flemming har specialiseret sig inden for frontend og efter 20 år som backend udvikler. Flemming har over 25 års erfaring som udvikler, hvoraf de seneste 15 år er som arkitekt og lead-udvikler. Flemming har indgående kendskab til finans- og pensionsbranchen.

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