Secure Web Development

  Varighed 2 dage
  Kursusnummer LB1950
  Sprog Svensk/English
  Lokation Lund&Bendsen
  Dato Se næste  
  Pris 11.800 kr.

Secure Web Development kursus

Security is everyone’s job. Developers, service engineers, and program and product managers must understand security basics and know how to build security into software and services to make products more secure while still addressing business needs and delivering user value. In this course, we will introduce you to why security is important, how common attacks are executed and what we as developers can do to protect our systems from these attacks. The course contains plenty of hands-on exercises that allow the participant to learn by doing.

Topics Covered

  • Introduction
  • Social engineering
  • XSS – (Cross-Site Scripting)
  • CSRF – (Cross-Site Request Forgery)
  • Securing your cookies
  • Injection attacks
  • Securing the session
  • Denial-of-Service (DoS)
  • Securing our dependencies
  • Writing more secure code
  • OWASP top 10
  • OWASP Application Security Verification Standard


You should have a fundamental understanding of how the web works and basic web development experience including HTTP, HTML, and JavaScript.

Target Audience

This course targets developers on all platforms including .NET, Java, JavaScript, and PHP.

Learning Objectives

After the course, the participant will have a fundamental understanding of why security is important, how common attacks are carried out and how to protect your applications against these attacks. During this course, the participant will also have gained a deeper understanding of how the web works and how to think like an attacker.

Further courses

After the course, participants can immerse themselves in a one-day follow-up to this course that covers further web security topics.

  Varighed 2 dage
  Kursusnummer LB1950
  Sprog Svensk/English
  Lokation Lund&Bendsen
  Dato Se næste  
  Pris 11.800 kr.

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Tore Nestenius Profilbillede

Tore Nestenius


Tore is an independent software consultant and trainer based in Helsingborg, Sweden. For the last 10 years, he has been training developers all around the world in software architecture, web security, OpenID-connect, C#/.NET and domain-driven design. When he is not teaching, he is mentoring and coaching developer teams all around Europe. He is currently working on courses in both secure development and web security that will be released through Lund&Bendsen in the coming months.

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